We know that you are eager to get your products, and so our commitment is to ship your products within 1-3 business days of your purchase.
We ship via USPS because they get our products to you quickly!
We want you to be completely satisfied with your order. If you would like to return a product, we are here to help. You may return an unopened or gently used product within 30 days of the ship date for a full refund on the purchase price, minus shipping and handling. Refunds will be credited to the original credit card used for payment.
To place a return, please follow these easy peasy steps:
We know you’re anxious to receive your order! We will send you an e-mail with your tracking number within 1-3 days of you placing your order. If you have any questions about your order or need help tracking it, just send us a note and we will be happy to help you!
We want to make it easy for you - We accept all major credit cards and PayPal.
Yes! Our site is monitored daily by our security team to ensure that your transactions are safe. We use the latest in software and hardware technology so you can be assured that your credit card information is secure.So, rest assured that you can shop with confidence!
That’s an excellent question! Sweet Spun Beauty is all about bringing you the most amazing beauty products with the best ingredients. And having fun at the same time… Beauty does not need to be boring! You can read more About Us here.
Yes! Our site is monitored daily by our security team to ensure that your transactions are safe. We use the latest in software and hardware technology so you can be assured that your credit card information is secure.So, rest assured that you can shop with confidence!
We care about what we put on our skin as much as you do. All of our amazing skin care products are free of yucky parabens. Whew!
Currently, our products are only available online at SweetSpun.com, although if you feel that our products would be a great fit for a specific retail location, please reach out and let us know. You can contact us here.
Our corporate office is located in Lovely Los Angeles, CA where our research team has access to cutting edge scientific, skin care, and beauty advancements.
At the moment, we accept orders from inside the U.S., as well as Canada. We will be shipping to other beautiful countries soon.